Our Windshields

The other day, I was driving behind a corvette. It seemed so low to the ground, and I found myself thinking about how different their view was from my car, and then God reminded me about something, so I thought I’d share. 

God reminded me that we are all like those different windshields. Some of us have a perfect view. Some of us might be in a various form of fog. Maybe our windshield has just been hit by a rock and is starting to crack. Maybe we’ve been driving around with a crack for awhile and it’s getting bigger. Maybe it’s getting repaired. Maybe there’s a frost and it’s hard to remove. Maybe our windshield wipers need replaced. Maybe we’re in a downpour and we can’t see clearly. 

Point being, we all experience this world differently through our point of view, so let’s remember that. Instead of being quickly angered or offended, let’s be quick to be kind, compassionate, and empathize with others. We were created for community. Don’t believe society’s lie that we are only to look out for ourselves.

How’s your windshield?

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